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    Foresight and Strategic Cooperation

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    • Foresight and Strategic Cooperation

    Strategic Design for Innovation and Business

    Focusing on the application of methodologies of collective construction and technological prospective, such products allow for an increase in competitiveness and in the capacity to respond to technological and market changes.

    Technological roadmapping

    Strategic approach to managing innovation in products, services, and technologies based on a visual structuring of technological needs planning and identification of necessary actions in order to integrate technology investment decisions with business requirements.

    Co-creation of strategies for Innovation and Business

    Construction and guidance of innovation and business strategies for companies in line with best practices.

    Business Generation and Connection for Innovation

    Our products are directed to companies that wish to have facilitated opportunities for innovation and new businesses, accelerating the achievement of competitive advantages.

    Technology Showcase

    Foster the culture of innovation by encouraging integration between the academy and the productive sector, and promoting the connection of business demands for innovation and technological supply through the holding of tech rounds.

    The Technology Showcase is based on a complementary process that includes interviews with the productive sector, to identify and understand its demands, search and qualification of the technological offer, enabling the identification of matches with a greater probability of alignment with the exposed theme, and monitoring of the interaction, ensuring continuity and better assimilation in the innovation process.

    • Mapping of more than 800 technological providers, including research groups, laboratories, startups, science and technology institutes, and patents;
    • 230 companies benefiting from technological demands identified in 22 different themes.

    Business Generation Program

    Foster business between industries in the state of Ceará, encouraging the integration between suppliers and consumers of production chains, promoting the connection of demand and supply through Business Rounds.

    The Program is based on a complementary process that includes interviews with the productive sector to identify and understand the main demands for products and services, and it includes a stage of search and qualification of the offer, allowing the identification of suppliers with a greater probability of alignment with the demands raised.

    Mapping of the technological infrastructure

    Facilitate the identification of skills and technological infrastructure available from an interactive platform, allowing interaction with Research, Development, and Innovation assets for the gain of business competitiveness.

    Technological Borders

    Support the insertion of border technologies in companies to strengthen the innovative potential from a process based on three main stages: diagnosis of innovation opportunities; industrial residence; and elaboration of innovation projects in themes such as Biotechnology and Nanotechnology.

    Northeast 4.0

    Accelerate the incorporation of Industry 4.0 information technologies by companies from Ceará through three stages: Maturity diagnosis; Industrial Residence; and Development of innovation projects in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data, and others.

    Strategic Prospective for Sectors and Territories

    Projects that allow the capitalization of knowledge, directing institutional initiatives for the sustainable development of economic activities or territories.

    Future bearers sectors for Ceará

    Carry out the identification of sectors and areas that have a future with greater capacity to boost the development of the state and its regions, on a long-term horizon, aligned with world trends.

    Specific goals:
    • Outline a socioeconomic panorama through indicators referring to the productive sector, the economy, and the society.
    • Survey social, market, and technological trends that should mark the industrial development of a territory in the upcoming years.
    • Identify sectors and areas that encourage development, according to territorial specificities.
    • Identify sectors and areas allowing the elaboration of an intelligent specialization strategy for the development of the territory.

    Sectoral strategic routes

    Signal paths for building future to materialize, within a defined time horizon, the perceived potential in the sectors, production chains, clusters, and themes identified as promising for the state or territory.

    Specific goals:
    • Build visions of the future for selected sectors and themes with the participation of representatives from the private sector, third sector, governments, universities, research groups, and RD&I centers;
    • Develop a converging agenda of actions of all stakeholders to concentrate efforts and investments;
    • Identify key technologies;
    • Develop maps with possible and desirable trajectories for strategic sectors and themes.

    Regional Industry Forum

    Build regional development agendas, subsidizing initiatives that aim to increase the competitiveness between sectors and strategic activities in these regions in convergence to the Strategic Sectoral Routes.

    Specific goals:
    • Subsidize the creation of regional development governances;
    • Prospect obstacles and priorities for the development of regions;
    • Carry out regional socioeconomic diagnoses;
    • Identify initiatives aligned with global trends that make it possible to take advantage of and create economic potentialities for the regions;
    • Mobilize representatives of the main companies, teaching and research institutions, as well as government and third sector entities, for the collective construction of visions of the future for the selected regions.


    Develop and coordinate the implementation of the proposed actions in a long-term development strategy, based on the identification of critical points that block its growth, thus elaborating a structured priority agenda of monitoring and cooperation for the execution of initiatives to solve obstacles to competitiveness.

    Especific goals:
    • Implantação da estratégia de desenvolvimento com agenda prioritária de ações;
    • Support for the realization of commitments between public and private actors to carry out strategic activities;
    • Dissemination of strategic information for decision-making, project development, services, and planning of support institutions;
    • Advisory services to sectoral governance and leaders through the designing and deep study of actions, survey of initiatives, demands, and information;
    • Creation and monitoring of sectorial competitiveness indicators and metrics for monitoring the implementation of the strategic agenda;
    • Subsidies for adapting the services offered by partner entities to the identified demands.

    Professional profiles for the future

    Induce the offer of training of professional profiles that can bring new perspectives to industrial development, and to the progress of society, identifying profiles that companies and society will demand in a horizon of up to 20 years.
    Professional profiles are created based on two complementary methodologies: the first one deals with the construction of knowledge from studies of technological and social trends related to industrial sectors and the second one involves collective intelligence activities through the expertise of specialists mobilized in individual interviews and sector meetings. The mapping of specialists seeks individuals with technical and scientific relevance in the construction of knowledge, therefore, the participants are entrepreneurs from the private sector, actors from the academy, government and the third sector.

    Specific goals:
    • Identify professional profiles that will be demanded by industrial organizations and by society;
    • Encourage the anticipation of the offer of training of new professional profiles by educational institutions.

    Technological surveillance

    Support and encourage the technological development of strategic sectors of the territory and, consequently, encourage the alignment of business strategies and RD&I institutions with the technological trends that have been emerging in the national and international scenarios. The initiative provides subsidies for more assertive business decision-making by deepening the industry’s knowledge of the main technological trends through the analysis of patents in strategic sectors.

    Specific goals:
    • Map the patent landscape of the sector or thematic in order to identify emerging technologies;
    • Provide subsidies to support more assertive decision-making, aiming to direct the flow of technological development towards research and products that are in accordance with market trends

    Radar Tecnológico

    A publicação do Radar Tecnológico tem o objetivo de apoiar e fomentar o desenvolvimento tecnológico dos setores estratégicos do Ceará a partir da prospecção e qualificação das tendências tecnológicas que vêm surgindo nos cenários nacional e internacional, incentivando a adequação das nossas empresas.

    Ceará: a Sea of Opportunities

    A program aimed at developing the Sea Economy based on projects for the insertion of new technologies and sustainable practices in the seafood production chain, and the creation of an environment conducive to strengthening the hypercluster in the state.

    Solutions for Business and Innovation Environment

    With a focus on obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage for territories, such products enable a connection with business opportunities and innovation in a targeted and strategic way.

    Technology Showcase

    Encourage the culture of innovation in a territory, fostering the integration between the actors of the innovation ecosystem, facilitating the connection of business priorities for innovation and technological offer through a structured framework to optimize the academy-company integration.
    The framework identifies demands for innovation based on primary research to connect with technological providers (startups, research centers, laboratories, etc.) from an information curatorship process, strengthening technology transfer and expanding the impact of innovations carried out in a territory.

    Business Generation Program

    This project promotes business between industries in the state of Ceará, encouraging the integration between suppliers and consumers of production chains, promoting the connection of demand and supply through Business Rounds.
    The Program is based on a complementary process that includes interviews with the productive sector to identify and understand the main demands for products and services, and it includes a stage of search and qualification of the offer, allowing the identification of suppliers with a greater probability of alignment with the demands raised.

    Mapping of the technological infrastructure

    This product aims to centralize information related to the state’s technological infrastructure on an interactive platform in order to communicate the state’s innovative potential, as well as encourage the sharing of infrastructure and technological skills.

    Technological Borders

    This project expands the insertion of borders technologies in the productive sector to develop the innovative potential of a state or territory based on: the diagnosis of innovation opportunities; training of companies’ human resources; and creation of business innovation projects.

    Northeast 4.0

    This project expands the insertion of Industry 4.0 information technologies in the productive sector to develop the innovative potential of a state or territory based on: maturity diagnosis; training of companies’ human resources; and creation of business innovation projects.

    Strategic Sectors


    Given its transversality, Water was one of the sectors considered bearers of the future. The availability of water resources in the quantity and quality necessary for human and animal consumption and productive activities is an essential condition for the development of any economy, directly impacting investment decisions and the ability to retain and attract highly qualified human capital. Furthermore, strengthening the environment for innovation and business in water resources will allow the State to position itself differently in providing solutions related to the rationalization of the use of these resources and the development of businesses and technologies related to the topic.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Água

    Masterplan – Água

    Bússolas – Água


    Biotechnology was considered a transversal area of ​​great importance for the development of the state of Ceará due to its impact on productivity, which generates added value and boosts the competitiveness of several industrial sectors. Furthermore, Ceará has important Research, Development, and Innovation assets in the area, with considerable participation by the State in the total number of research groups, and higher and postgraduate courses in the country.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Biotecnologia

    Masterplan – Biotecnologia

    Perfis Profissionais – Biotecnologia

    Construction and Non-Metallic Minerals

    The Construction Sector was considered strategic due to its social and economic relevance, since it is responsible for a significant part of the formal jobs in the industrial sector of Ceará and an important vector of development, in view of the need to reduce the housing deficits of the State and improvement of the infrastructure offered to the productive sector. An integral part of the production chain of the Construction Sector, the Non-Metallic Minerals Sector was also highlighted as strategic due to the importance of making greater use of the State's mineral potential and its export vocation.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Construção e Minerais Não-Metálicos

    Masterplan – Construção e Minerais Não-Metálicos

    Perfis Profissionais – Construção e Minerais Não-Metálicos

    Bússolas – Construção e Minerais Não-Metálicos

    Sea Economy

    The Sea Economy Sector, considered in the literature as a hypercluster¹, brings together numerous segments, including logistics and tourism activities in maritime services, the naval industry, ocean resources, and research, extraction, and processing, both of food and of other living and non-living resources. In this way, its identification as a strategic sector is a consequence of the vision that correct planning and promotion will provide organization, chaining, and dynamization of activities with high potential, thus using the more than 500 kilometers of Ceará coastline as drivers of innovation and development from across the state. 1 Cluster - can be defined as the agglomeration of companies in a given geographic area that have a certain level of interaction with each other. Thus, hypercluster is the junction of the various clusters that are components of the Sea Economy.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Economia do Mar

    Masterplan – Economia do Mar

    Perfis Profissionais – Economia do Mar


    The Electrometal-Mechanical Sector was considered a bearer of the future for its ability to change the industrial profile of the State, especially due to the presence of large private investments and the installation of a metal-mechanical hub, considered one of the priorities on the government agenda.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Eletrometalmecânico

    Masterplan – Eletrometalmecânico

    Perfis Profissionais – Eletrometalmecânico

    Bússolas – Eletrometalmecânico


    Given its transversality, the Energy Sector was one of the segments considered bearers of the future. The sector already makes a relevant contribution to the economic dynamics of the State, with unique potential through wind and solar sources, for example. The new investments announced have a strong presence in the interior of the State and, despite the loss of the national leadership position in the generation of energy by these sources, the current moment is of convergence between public and private actors to guarantee conditions for the rapid development of this industry, in order to guarantee the necessary agility in the business environment and the attraction of new ventures in the production chain.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Energia

    Masterplan – Energia

    Perfis Profissionais – Energia

    Bússolas – Energia

    Agrifood Industry

    The Agrifood Industry was considered strategic due to its social and economic relevance since it plays a significant role in the generation of jobs in the State and in the value aggregation of agricultural and extractive activities. The expressive participation of the sector is evident not only in Ceará's export agenda but also in the national production of several subsectors that compose it, being a preponderant factor for the optimistic view of the contribution of this sector to local development in the next decade.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Indústria Agroalimentar

    Masterplan – Indústria Agroalimentar

    Perfis Profissionais – Indústria Agroalimentar

    Bússolas – Indústria Agroalimentar


    The Logistics Sector was considered essential to leverage the future of the State given its relevance to the economy, considering, firstly, the strategic location, in view of its proximity to North America and Europe, as well as the importance of the activity for the industry development. The transformation of infrastructure and the modernization of logistics services can become competitive advantages for the economy of Ceará.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Logística

    Masterplan – Logística

    Perfis Profissionais – Logística


    Given its transversality, the Environment Sector was one of the activities considered bearers of a future for Ceará. The growth of the population and the income level of the countries raises the challenge of producing goods to supply the demand using natural resources as efficiently as possible, as well as the continuous search for the development of inputs from renewable resources. This way, the development and mastery of sustainable technologies can reduce costs and increase the added value of products from different industrial segments, ensuring the choice of a development route that involves the generation of wealth in synergy with the preservation of the environment.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Meio Ambiente

    Masterplan – Meio Ambiente

    Bússolas – Meio Ambiente

    Consumer Products

    The Consumer Products Sector was considered strategic for having industrial centers in all regions of the State, in the sectors of Footwear, Clothing, and Furniture, which represent a significant part of industrial jobs, generating relevant social impact in the State. Ceará's competitiveness in these sectors can be easily demonstrated both by its expressive exports and by its prominent position when compared to other federative units.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Produtos de Consumo

    Masterplan – Produtos de Consumo

    Perfis Profissionais – Produtos de Consumo

    Bússolas – Produtos de Consumo


    The Health Sector was considered strategic and prioritized in all regions of Ceará, capable of guiding the development of the State, containing a profile that complements the industrial fabric that exists today. Considered intensive in technology and knowledge, its ability to contribute to raising productivity and improving the innovation environment was recognized. In this direction, the quantity and quality of existing RD&I assets in Ceará, linked to the segment, increase the sector's capacity for rapid growth, enabling the creation of a differentiated dynamic, with countless opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship, generation of high-paying jobs and synergistic actions between academy and industry.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Saúde

    Masterplan – Saúde

    Perfis Profissionais – Saúde

    Bússolas – Saúde

    Public Safety

    A major challenge for the state is associated with the increase in crime and the strengthening of the activities of criminal factions, representing a threat to the attraction of investments and reflecting in the loss of competitiveness of the state. According to the Atlas of Violence (2020), in 2018, there were 57,956 homicides in Brazil, with Ceará having one of the highest rates (54 per 100,000 inhabitants). Facing this scenario, the importance of planning, synergistic action, and understanding of best practices has increased to contribute to the prevention and control of violence and crime. The complexity of the issue requires a systemic view of public security for adequate confrontation, considering the different spheres of necessary integration. Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention are highlighted, with the productive sector being one of the most powerful agents of transformation in this context. The Public Security sector, therefore, includes the spheres of Prevention and Governance, Prison and Socio-educational systems, and Public Security and Social Defense.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Segurança Pública

    Masterplan – Segurança Pública


    The Information and Communication Technology Sector was considered essential to leverage the future of the State, due to its transversal profile to the industry and, consequently, the ability to contribute to increasing the productivity of various economic activities, including the new forms of production linked to Industry. 4.0, enabling the development of innovations. In this direction, the development of the sector would also determine greater use of existing data infrastructure assets, such as submarine fiber optic cables and the Digital Belt, connecting the main municipalities of Ceará to Europe and North America. Furthermore, as it is a technology and knowledge intensive sector, and without significant barriers to entry, Information and Communication Technology enables the creation of a differentiated dynamic, with great opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship and the generation of high-paying jobs.

    Rotas Estratégicas – TIC

    Masterplan – TIC

    Creative Economy and Tourism

    The tourist potential of several regions of the State, as well as the current relevance of the sector, not only in the generation of employment and income but also in the demand for industrial products, were the motivations that led several specialists to prioritize Tourism in several panels carried out by the project. In the same direction, the sectors that make up the Creative Economy were identified as strategic in all regions of the State, bringing together activities related to knowledge, culture, creativity, and intellectual capacity, making it evident not only the transversality of these sectors but also the positive impact that their development would bring to the aggregation of value of industrial products, the strengthening of cultural identity and entrepreneurship in the State. This way, Tourism and Creative Economy were united in a single route in order to strengthen the relationship of the actors that make up these sectors and thus strengthen the mutual gains obtained through the joint development of these activities.

    Rotas Estratégicas – Turismo e Economia Criativa

    Masterplan – Turismo e Economia Criativa

    Perfis Profissionais – Turismo e Economia Criativa